Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I didn't get my say, but I will now, then back to baseball

We all know Katie's opinion about the Cutler trade. I was in Utah while the actual trade went down and was unable to post anything about it.

You girls can hate me all you want but I do hope that the Broncos blow the season. I want certain players to do well. But as a team, I want them to fall on their faces; to do a nose-dive just like the 2008 season.

All I want to add is:



He's happy, let him be happy. He now gets to play on a team that he has loved since he was a kid. Just like any other sports player who gets to realize their dream of playing on their favorite team, Jay is doing that now. Daniel Graham was excited to be back home when he got sent to the Broncos.
Jay did great for the Broncos when the defense actually did something. And although a lot of the fans think that Jay was whiny, I'm sticking by his side. Katie, you'd do the same for Clint, and Kim, you'd do the same for Garrett. The main difference is, you'd still like the Rockies. (If the Rockies traded Tulo, I'd be Rockies first, Tulo's new team second though.)

Now, on to baseball! We've got 159 (160+) more games to go. Let us be united in our Rockies fandom!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

I don't hate anyone for expressing their opinions!! :) It just needs to be done peacefully and it has been. Now we can all move on.

Are you going to Opening Day on Friday? Anybody going?