Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Troy, well, I'm afraid that Temper Tantrum is making a comeback. I was hoping that Temper Tantrum was gone forever, but no... Troy is trying hard, I can tell but he's not doing well still. But still, I like to watch him (especially at bat).

Picture taken from (here) Associated Press, not sure who the photographer is/was.
"I'm BACK!"

Jeff Baker got a hit in! But still, it doesn't do much when on can't score runs.

So, I found this picture of Chris. It's from gettyimages, found it through ((Photo by Christian Petersen/Getty Images)). Here's the link: click

Here's the photo:

The Rockies lost. Chris is still having trouble hitting the ball. Pitch the man a beachball, pitch to him underhand, have his wife throw him the ball, do something to get him to hit the ball. I know Chris will get out of this slump or whatever he's in. The good thing though, Chris is still looking handsome even if he's failing at the plate...

Absolutely gorgeous! The blue eyes are intense. I want him to get out of the slump!


Tiffany said...

Is that picture of Tulo during his temper tantrum? I really love that picture. lol. I'm glad he didn't injure himself this time....

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I don't mind the temper as long as he doesn't hurt himself...or anyone else. Well he can hurt an opposing player. haha.

Chris has seriously beautiful eyes. They remind me of ice.

By the way, I cleaned up your links a little bit! I hope that is okay, it just makes the post easier to read. If you want me to show you how to do that, let me know!

Good post Mist!

Cut6Tulo2Netta20 said...

No problem about the links; I was trying to do that. I wanted them to look all pretty but couldn't figure it out. But other than that, I did it right, right? If I find out the name of the photographer that got the shot of Tulo, I'll post it.
I can't wait for tomorrow's game. I'm going to go and take many photos so that I can have arsenal ready and I can put up my own photos. I just need to learn how to watermark them...