Friday, April 10, 2009

Opening Day at Coors

*SIGH* Can I just tell you all how much I LOVE baseball? It's ridiculous. I walked into Coors Field today and yelled, "I'M HOME!" That's often my most repeated joke with friends....I should live at Coors Field. I love it so much. Even in the winter when we're walking or driving past it I'll say, "Can I just live there?" I'm weird, though. The smell of hot dogs and seeing all the children with their favorite player's jerseys on. The adults that are often times hammered stepping into Coors Field because they've been tailgating. The way baseball, and sports in general, brings people together makes me incredibly happy. I can't explain it. I know everyone knows what I'm talking about. Everyone has to experience that feeling, otherwise they wouldn't waste their money and time going to a game. I love how one sport can bring so many people together to share the day together, cheering for their team, and otherwise, have nothing else in common. Plus, I love our team, even when they aren't playing their best, which was NOT the case today!

Well, I mean, there were some things that were stressing me out in the first two innings. Marquis was scaring me a bit, but he did us proud! I won't really recap the game since everyone watched it and Katie posted a huge blog about it!

As Katie already mentioned, and as everyone already knows, GARRETT GOT HIS FIRST HIT OF THE SEASON AND IT WAS A HOMER!!!!!!! Yes, I had to scream that at you. I can't agree more with Katie that Garrett's swing is "pretty" - haha :D I love to watch him. Oh, can I tell you how much fun I had trying to figure out all of their at bat songs?! Gotta love Spilly for always being the goofy one :D

The fans I was surrounded by were so awesome today. Can I tell you how much I HATE it when people feel the need to stand up and talk to the people next to them to figure out what they want to drink DURING AN INNING?! Sit down, dammit! Talk about it with your ass planted in your seat!!! This guy next to me was laughing so hard because I was screaming at this jackass to sit down while taking "drink orders" from his friends. It was really fun. Random story and pointless, but I wanted to share it anyway. I think it's partly because for the most part, I don't get too worked up about that kind of stuff, but today was special and I was annoyed. There were a lot of Phillies fans present, too, but they weren't obnoxious. Thank God. I'm still bitter about last year's games against the Cubs. Cubs fans are obnoxious. Who knows, maybe Detroit fans will think I'm obnoxious when I'm there in May to cheer the Rockies :D


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