Saturday, April 11, 2009

Tonight's game

Well, I didn't get to watch the game because I was at work for most of it. Plus, I don't have cable at home, so I can't watch it :( I did get to catch bits and pieces before I left work since they have cable. I listened to it on the radio on the way home. I've never listened to a game on the radio before. Very different.

Anyway, my man Garrett hit another homer! WOOHOO! I hope he keeps it up. :D I haven't been able to really research the game, so I have no idea if Seth hit? I know Yorvit was catching tonight, but I'm going to let you ladies fill me in on what happened.

I'm hoping we're not super busy at work tomorrow and I can catch the game there :-P

I hope everyone has a HAPPY EASTER!!!


Kap said...

Good to see our man doing well!

Tiffany said...

I know! I'm lovin' it!